The lesson discovering tut is written by A.R. Williams and is about the last heir of Egypt, considered to be the last Pharoah Tutankhamun, and his golden tomb. He died at the age of seventeen and ruled for almost 9 years. His death remained a mystery, and this lesson talks about various possibilities related to his mysterious death.
Let’s dive into the lesson of class 11th and get an idea about Egyptian culture, ideas, and beliefs.
You can also watch the explanation video on our channel EDUGOGUE for a better understanding of the lesson.
About The Author: Discovering Tut Summary
A.R.Williams has written discovering tut the saga continues, and he wrote many science fiction and fantasies. He developed a love for reading at a very young age and began to write his own fiction and craft tales to enjoy.
Discovering Tut: Theme
The lesson deals with the last parcener of the powerful Pharoah dynasty, Tutankhamun, who died at a young age in a very mysterious way, and it deals with finding out the possible causes of his death and curse. Egyptians believe there is life after death, which is why they were buried with daily provisions to be used after reincarnation.
You can also watch the explanation video on our channel EDUGOGUE for a better understanding of the chapter Discovering Tut: the saga continues
Summary Of Discovering Tut The Saga Continues
At 6 pm on January 5, 2005, the mummy of tuts was moved smoothly and quietly into a CT scanner to conduct medical mysteries of this young ruler who died thousands of years ago. He was buried and forgotten until in 1922 the grave was discovered by Howard Carter.
He found the golden tomb with beautiful artifacts, board games, bronze razors, cases for food and wine, and linen undergarments. The grave was buried with almost everyday life items which might be used in the afterlife. After that, they all began to examine the three nested coffins of king tut.
In the first coffin, they found a shroud covered with garlands of olives, lotus petals, and cornflowers indicating that he might be buried during March and April. Carter was worried as soon the grave was loosening the resins, so he tried out the grave in the scorching heat of Egypt to loosen resins. But 149degrees of temperature also could not help to melt those resins.
Archaeologists mentioned that advanced technology would help them to examine the grave accurately. To his surprise, they all came to know that in 1968 when a professor examined the body, he found that the ribs and breast bones were missing.
King Tutankhamun’s mysterious demise brought an end to his dynasty, it was a great event in history. Amenhotep 3rd was the father of king tut, was an extremely powerful king who ruled for over 40 years
He changed his name to Akhenaten or the servant of the sun god. He promoted the sun god’s worship and moved to Amman’s city. King tut was one of the first mummies to be discovered after his mysterious death.
While working on the mummy scan, the CT scanner stopped working suddenly. Many assumed it was the mummy’s curse, and they all were scared up to the brim. After using the spare fans the scan was made possible. After that, they were relieved of no data loss and carried him back to his tomb.
After that, they all were astonished at discovering images on a computer screen. A grey head was nade using scattered pixels. Sitting back on his chair, Zahi Hawass was feeling relaxed that nothing had gone wrong and he could sleep soundly.
After that, they all left to the sandy ground where the wind stopped blowing and cold wind lays their icy hands through the valley. Above the tomb, the Orion star has shone brightly over the young king.
Discovery Tut: the saga continues with Multiple choice questions
1. How has Archaeology changed through the decades?
- Focuses more on a treasure
- Focuses more on physical feelings
- Focussed on time factors more
- Focussing less on treasure and more on the fascinating details and mysteries of death.
Ans- focussing less on treasure and more on the fascinating details of life and mysteries of death
2. When did Tut Die?
- 22000 years ago
- More than 33000yaers ago
- 10000 years ago
- 16000 years ago
Ans- more than 33000 years ago
3. Who said “The mummy is in very bad condition because of what Carter did in the 1920s?
- Carter
- Zahi Hawass
- An anatomy professor
- An Egypt Historian
Ans- Zahi Hawass
4. What is a Cemetery of Tut called?
- Valley of the Kings
- Tut’s resting place
- Resting peace
- Valley of flowers
Ans- valley of the Kings
5. Why did the procedure stop in between?
- As spare fan stopped working
- As the light went off
- As the lift broken
- None of the above
Ans- as spare fan stopped working
6. What does a CT scan stand for?
- Computed telegraphy
- Computed tomography scan
- Car topology’
- Computer technology
Ans- computed tomography scan
7. What facts were revealed when the mummy was X-rayed in 1968?
- His several possessions were missing
- His hip bone was missing
- His breast bone and front ribs were missing
- His feet bone was missing.
Ans- his breast bone and front ribs were missing.
8. What did Carter and his men do after cutting down his body?
- They sent it for an x-ray
- They examined them carefully
- They placed it on the layer of sand in a wooden box.
- They clicked photographs.
Ans- they placed it on the layer of sand in a wooden box.
9. How did Carter remove the resins?
- With the help of a chisel and hammer
- With the help of chemicals
- With the help of machinery
- With the help of manpower.
Ans- with the help of a chisel and hammer.
10. What was in the first coffin?
- Garlands of olives, lotus petals, and cornflowers.
- Flowers and coins
- Gold, wealth, bronze razor, games, clothes, cases of food, and wine.
- It was empty.
Ans- garlands of olives, lotus petals, and cornflowers
11. What was found with Tutankhamen’s body?
- Gold
- Egyptian Gold coin
- Nothing as such
- Gold, wealth, bronze razor, games, clothes, cases of food, and wine
Ans- gold, wealth, bronze razor, clothes, cases of food wine.
12. What name did Amenhotep IV change to?
- Amarna
- Atul
- Akhenaten
- Amenhotep III
Ans- Akhenaten
NCERT Solutions For Class 11th Discovery Tut: the saga continues
1. Has King Tut’s body been subjected to repeated scrutiny?
King Tut’s mummy has earned worldwide fame for the riches it was buried with. There is also speculation about the manner of his death and his age at the time of his death. Hence, King Tut’s body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny.
2. Howard Carter’s investigation was resented. Why?
Because he used unscientific methods and illegitimate ways. He was focusing more on treasure and less on cultural and historical aspects.
3. Why was Tut’s body buried along with gilded treasures?
The people of ancient Egypt believed in the resurrection of the dead. Their kings were extremely rich. So. Tut’s Body was buried with gilded treasures. Their eternal brilliance was meant to guarantee a resurrection. Things of everyday use were also buried with the King.
4. The boy king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun?
Tutankhamun menas, “ living image of Amun”. He was a major gid in ancient Egypt. King Amenhotep IV, who changed his name to Akhenaten, smashed Amun’s images and got his temples closed. Tut oversaw a restoration of the old ways. He changed his name to express his belief in Amun.
5. What were the results of the CT scan?
The results were quite good and encouraging for all of them. When images of the cross-section were viewed they viewed Gary’s head and neck vertebrae. Images of hand, ribcage, and skull were equally clear. This all shows that nothing serious happened to Tut’s body.
6. Explain the statement, “ King tits is one of the first mummies to be scanned – in death as in life.”
King Tut’s mummy was the first one to be X-rayed by an anatomy Professor in 1968. On 5 January 2005 CT scan was created virtually and showed the life-like images on the clear screen. King Tut in life as well in death movie regally ahead of his countrymen.
Discuss the following in groups of two pairs, each pair in a group taking opposite points of view:
Q1. Scientific intervention is necessary to unearth buried mysteries.
(Students are expected to debate on issues raised in the text related to rediscovering history with the help of technology, respect for traditions, etc. While answering these questions, students must reflect on the issues and give their points of view.)
For the motion.
Every nation glorifies its history, culture, and civilization. However, certain mysteries lie buried with them. Rituals and legends are insufficient to clear the wrap of mystery surrounding them. For example, take the case of Tutankhamun’s mummy. He was laid to rest laden with gold more than 3,300 years ago. Since the discovery of his tomb in 1922 AD, the modem world has speculated about him. Some people believe that the boy king might have been murdered. There is a mystery around his life as well as death. Scientific intervention is necessary to clear the dust and cloud of mysteries around him. Hence, if we want to study archaeology properly we must take the help of scientific techniques.
Against the motion:
If the present is perfect and the future sure, why many about the past? Let the dead past bury its dead and the mysteries surrounding them. In a world full of competition, we must devote our money, time, and energy to build up our resources and sustain our lifestyle. Scientific techniques should be employed to feed the hungry millions and clad the naked ones. Some mysteries of the past have lost their relevance with time. Won’t it be futile and wastage of precious resources of a developing nation in this idle pursuit? Let the thinkers, philosophers, and priests worry about mysteries—not the scientists.
Q2. Advanced technology gives us conclusive evidence of past events.
For the motion.
I fully subscribe to the observation that advanced technology provides conclusive evidence of past events. Even my opponents will agree that there is no proper written record about many past events. Myths and legends surround even the most celebrated personalities and events of their life or circumstances of death. Facts and fiction are mingled together and sometimes have become inseparable. Various persons have given colored versions of past events to suit the demands of their masters or to serve their own ends. The evidence that opposed their point of view has been condemned and rejected. Thus sometimes, we get a warped version and subjective account of past events. Only advanced technology can help us understand the past from the right perspective.
Against the motion:
I disagree with the remarks that advanced technology gives us conclusive evidence of past events. It may hold good in some instances where evidence can be reconstructed and examined closely with the modern techniques of modem science. However, it will be unfair to generalize and hold it true in all cases. Sometimes the processing of available data may yield contradictory accounts and create more confusion than unraveling the knotted issues. Moreover, the available evidence may not be worthy of analysis and examination. The tests may determine the possible time period of the action, but it is pretty challenging to assess the causes that prompted it or the results that followed it.
Q3. Tradition, rituals, and funerary practices must be respected.
For the motion.
Different religions, cultures, and civilizations follow various traditions, rituals, and funerary practices. The dead bodies buried under the earth, are supposed to lie in rest peacefully till the doom’s day or the day of resurrection or the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians had mastered the art of mummifying. Certain traditional rituals were performed while treating the dead body with special oils and wrapping it in cloth. Ritual resins held the mummy close to the bottom of the coffin. The burial chamber and grave contained all the important things that the king might need in the afterlife. The funerary practices had a certain sanctity for the followers of that particular religion. We must learn to be more tolerant of the belief of others. Hence I conclude that traditions, rituals, and funerary practices must be respected.
Against the motion:
The world is on the move. We have to be forward-looking. We can’t remain content with past achievements or rest on our laurels. If traditions, rituals, and certain funerary practices block the flow of information and knowledge, these may be overlooked for the greater benefit of humanity, i.e. clearing the air of mystery, ignorance, and superstitions surrounding some of the age-old beliefs. However, we should not be intolerant or disrespectful in our quest for knowledge. We must conduct our probe objectively and dispassionately. Facts must be given more weightage than the beliefs attached to them. A detached outlook can provide a clear understanding of past events.
Q4. Knowledge about past lives is useful to complete our knowledge of the world we live in.
For the motion.
The Modern world has expanded the frontiers of knowledge. In fact, the whole world has become a global village. Within a few seconds, we become aware of incidents happening thousands of miles away. Information technology has indeed brought a revolution in the field of knowledge. Still, our knowledge of the world is incomplete without knowledge about past lives. We are our ancestors’ direct descendants and must be aware of the circumstances in which they existed and how they coped with them. The structure of the future is rooted in the past. We draw lessons from the past and make improvements. The fives of the people of the past are like beacon fights to guide and inspire us and enlighten us about the world we live in.
Against the motion:
We are constantly learning new things about the world we live in. The knowledge of our present circumstances and prospects is more important than the knowledge about past fives. Their traditions, rituals, tools, ways of conduct, and ethos will not help us in our struggle for existence in the highly competitive and complex modern world. The knowledge about past lives can at best make us retrograde instead of being progressive. For many of us, the world means our sphere of activities and the environment we live in. People aim to specialize in restricted fields instead of being Jack of all trades. As such the knowledge of the world we need is also restricted to our requirements and we need not bother about knowledge about past fives.
Working in pairs
Q1. Given below are some interesting combinations of words. Explain why they have been used together:
In each combination of words, one word is an adjective and modifies and reinforces the meaning of the noun following/preceding it. Let us try to understand the meaning of each combination of words:
- ghostly dust devils: ghost-like wicked evil spirits formed by dust.
- dark-bellied clouds: bulging/swelling clouds
- desert sky: the sky over the desert
- casket gray: the grey sky hiding the stars in it
- stunning artifacts: extremely attractive man-made objects if) eternal brilliance: everlasting shine
- funerary treasures: treasures stored following rituals of funeral
- ritual resins: resins applied according to religious rites
- scientific detachment: aloofness of a scientist
- virtual body: body made to appear to exist by computer software.
- Here are some commonly used medical terms. Find out their meanings:
- CT scan: a medical test in which a machine produces a three-dimensional picture of the inside of a person’s body on a computer screen after taking X-rays.
- MRI: an abbreviation for magnetic resonance imaging—a technique for producing images of body organs by measuring the properties of atomic nuclei in a strong magnetic field.
- Tomography: a technique for displaying a cross-section through a human body (or another solid object) using X-rays or ultrasound.
- Autopsy: an examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease.
- Dialysis: a technique of clinical purification of blood, as a substitute for the kidney’s normal functions.
- ECG: abbreviation for electrocardiogram or electrocardiograph; preparing a graph showing the measurement and recording the activity in the heart using electrodes placed on the skin.
- Post mortem: a medical examination of the body of a dead person to find out how he died.
- Angiography: radiography of blood or lymph vessels, carried out after the introduction of a substance that is opaque to X-ray.
- Biopsy: an examination of tissue taken from the body to discover the disease’s presence, cause, or extent.
III. Notice these expressions in the text. Guess the meaning from the context.
- forensic reconstruction: activity of building again something damaged or to help scientific test to solve a crime
- scudded across moved quickly across something
- casket gray: a small gray box or grey sky
- resurrection: a new beginning for something old
- funerary treasures: a collection of valuable things used at a funeral
- circumvented: found a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule
- eerie detail: strange and frightening little bits of facts.
Discovery Tut: the saga continues Long Answer Type Questions
Q1. Why did Tut’s body have to undergo a C.T. scan? How was it carried out and what results did it yield?
A veil of mystery surrounded Tut’s life and death. Old methods of archaeology did not provide satisfactory clues to the circumstances of his death and his age at the time of demise. An X-ray of the mummy in 1968 further complicated the confusion. CT scan was undertaken to create a three-dimensional virtual body.
A scanner was taken to the sandy area near Tut’s tomb in a trailer. Tut’s body was carried there from his tomb in a box. The CT machine scanned the mummy from head to toe, creating 1700 digital X-ray images in cross-section. Tut’s entire body was scanned in 0.62-millimeter slices.
The C.T. scan produced clear images of Tut’s head, neck vertebrae, ribcage, hand, and skull. The results proved satisfactory. A team of specialists in radiology, forensics, and anatomy are busy probing the secrets lay buried in Tut’s grave with his body.
Q2. AR Williams says, “King Tut is in death, as in life moving regally ahead of his countrymen,” How far do you agree with the assertion and why?
Perhaps no other Pharaoh of Egypt has fascinated the public mind so greatly as the boyish king Tutankhamun. Although he died in his teens and ruled for about nine years only, he introduced specific changes during his brief rule. These were significant as they marked the restoration of Amun’s old ways of worship. The unanswered questions about the causes and modes of his death as well as his age at the time of death, kept public curiosity alive.
After his death, his dead body has been a center of scientific examination. Howard Carter, the British archaeologist discovered Tut’s tomb in 1922. In 1968, an anatomy Professor X-rayed the mummy. The Egyptian Mummy Project began an inventory in late 2003. It has so far recorded 600 and is continuing. The next phase of CT scanning with a portable CT machine began on 5 January 2005. The pride of place went to King Tut, whose mummy was the first to undergo a C.T. scan. Thus I fully endorse the aforesaid assertion.
In context, we have provided you with the detailed summary of the class 11th chapter Discovery Tut: the saga continues along with the ncert solutions and multiple-choice questions to help the students understand the latest pattern and be ready for their examinations.